Blogs And Videos

Thought leadership, technical information, and helpful hints.

Enterprise Data Replication Patterns Overview July 2024


Overview of enterprise cross-systems data replication patterns used by data engineering teams

This article provides a summary of the primary enterprise data replication patterns used by data engineers when dealing with data integration, data lake, data hubs, data warehouses and real-time messaging scenarios.


Add Power BI To Existing ERP Financial Integration February 2024


With Enzo installed to connect your legacy ERP with financial tech solutions, you’re just a few taps away from increased visibility by adding Power BI

Discover how to leverage your existing Enzo integration to add more visibility with Power BI or other business intelligence platforms


Unlock Organization Productivity with Data Pipeline Strategy February 2024


Modern data management demands a flexible data pipeline strategy that enables speed to market and helps you solve complex problems quickly.

In today’s business environment, data teams can no longer afford a one-off integration every time they want to make an update. Many organizations are coming to the realization that future business success relies on a modern data pipeline architecture.


Remote site monitoring using DataZen and PowerBI January 2024


How to configure DataZen to assist with remote site monitoring using PowerBI

This guide shows you how to configure DataZen Agents in remote site locations to build a central monitoring PowerBI report, showing which sites have Internet connectivity or not.


Buy, Build or Blend: Determining the Right Data Management Solution for Your Business October 2023

Technology Management

Top Considerations When Evaluating a Buy vs. Build Decision of Data Integration Solutions

With exciting new artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation (RPA) solutions popping up every day, business leaders can barely contain their excitement about the promise of saving time, money, resources and more. Should leaders buy, build, or blend their data integration solutions?


Distributed Data Replication: Push or Pull? September 2023

Technology Management

Overview of push vs. pull replication models for remote sites to facilitate near-time decision-making, cloud analytics, and management dashboards.

This article discusses the two data replication models typically used when replication data from remote sites: push and pull replication.

replication,database,data lake,remote,iot,aws,azure

Replicate SQL Server Data to Parquet Files in Azure ADLS 2.0 July 2023

Enzo DataZen

SQL Server Replication to Parquet Files in Azure

This blog post discusses the benefits of replicating SQL Server data with continous updates as individual Parquet Files directly in an Azure Storage Account ADLS 2.0, allowing you to query your data using Synapse Analytics. A short demo video is also provided to show you how DataZen enables this capability.

business central,database,sql,server,replication,aws,azure

Announcing Support for Business Central 365 with Enzo and DataZen May 2023

Enzo DataZen
Enzo Server

Rapid Integration with Business Central 365

Integrate with Business Central 365 to implement Business Process Automation, explore your data, and augment your Data Lake in Azure, AWS, or Google Cloud.

business central,database,sql,server,replication,aws,azure

Replicate SQL Server from AWS into Azure SQL Database using DataZen July 2022

Enzo DataZen

LAB: Replicate SQL Server from AWS into Azure SQL Database using DataZen

This lab shows you how to implement a simple, yet secured Change Data Capture (CDC) SQL Server database replication topology from AWS into Azure using Enzo DataZen as the technology platform, using a single DataZen instance in AWS. The lab takes about 30 minutes and assumes you have an AWS and an Azure account.


DataZen Hybrid Data Integration and Ingestion Pipelines - Overview March 2022

Enzo DataZen

Overview of DataZen's Hybrid REST API, Database, File, and Messaging Data Ingestion and CDC Integration Engine.

DataZen allows you to integrate all your data in a single platform you can host on your Virtual Machines, or in the cloud. With DataZen, you can connect to hundreds of applications, HTTP REST API endpoints, CRM/ERP/HR platforms, relational databases, flat files (including Parquet files) and messaging hubs quickly without complex design surfaces. Finally, DataZen makes it easy to publish data to cloud Data Lakes, including AWS S3 and Azure ADLS / Blob storage so you can further leverage existing cloud-based ETL platforms seamlessly.


Import CSV Files into SQL Server using DataZen Feb 2022

Enzo DataZen

In this short video, I will show you how you can preview and import a set of flat files into SQL Server using DataZen.


Import Social Media Feeds as Parquet Files into Azure Synapse December 2021

Enzo DataZen

Configure DataZen to import Social Media feeds (Twitter, Facebook/Meta, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest...) into Azure as Parquet/XML/JSON files in Azure ADLS to query with a Azure Synapse database command.

This blog discusses various options to import data feeds from multiple Social Media platforms (such as YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook/Meta, Pinterest and more) into the Azure platform as Parquet files, so that you can query them directly using simple SQL commands with the Azure Synapse service. This guide is intended to provide a high level overview of how the overall solution works and outlines key considerations when access Social Media platforms.


Enzo DataZen Architecture Overview August 2021

Enzo DataZen

Overview of key design principles used by DataZen that enable a flexible and fully decoupled replication architecture.

DataZen is a Change Data Capture (CDC) technology that allows organizations to copy, replicate, and exchange data from any source system into any target platform, even if those systems are hosted by different companies. This blog provides an overview of key design principles used by DataZen that enable a flexible and fully decoupled replication architecture.

pipeline,parquet,sql server,sql,replication,azure,cdc,replay,architecture

Copy Parquet Files to SQL Server July 2021

Enzo DataZen

This blog shows you how to copy Parquet files into a SQL Server database using ENZO DataZen.

pipeline,parquet,sql server,sql,replication,azure

Replicate MySQL Table changes to an Azure Event Hub May 2021

Enzo DataZen

In this blog we will show you how to detect and forward changes made to a MySQL table and forward them as events into an Azure Event Hub using ENZO DataZen.

pipeline,event hub,data,mask,hash,compliance,mysql,replication,azure

Implement Data Masking for Dev/Test Environments April 2021

Enzo DataZen

Overview of Data Pipelines in DataZen with a focus on Data Masking and Hashing for lower environments on any database platform including SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL and Teradata.


Import Parquet Files into a SQL Server Table March 2021

Enzo Server

This hands-on lab will show you step-by-step how you can import one or more multiple Parquet files into a SQL Server database using SQL commands from SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).


Secured B2B Data Replication March 2021

Enzo DataZen

Overview of secured Business to Business data sharing and ongoing replication using a loosely coupled, system agnostic, and eventually consistent architecture with DataZen.


Subseting a MySQL table by Year into SQL Server February 2021

Enzo DataZen

How to subset a MySQL table by Year into SQL Server to improve report performance with DataZen.


Replicate an Oracle Table to SQL Server January 2021

Enzo DataZen

How to replicate an Oracle table to a SQL Server database with DataZen.


Enzo Data Sync Overview October 2020

Enzo Data Sync

How to replicate and combine data from any source system into a single relational database (SQL Server, AWS RDS SQL Server, or Azure SQL Database), with ongoing data synchronization.


Integrate Twitter with Slack and SalesForce October 2020

Code Sample
Enzo Data Sync

This blog shows you how to integrate Twitter with Slack and SalesForce for customer and reputation social media monitoring.


Top Factors that Help Reduce Integration Platform TCO September 2020


In this article we are discussing methods of measuring integration projects complexity and the impact the level of complexity has on other factors such as maintenance costs and organizational flexibility.

Read / Write Flat Files (CSV) using SQL Commands August 2020


This video shows you how to execute SQL commands in SQL Server to read and write CSV files.

csv,flat file,sql server

Write Flat Files (CSV) Overview August 2020


This video provides an overview of writing flat files (including CSV files) using SQL commands in Enzo.

csv,sql server

Explore, Import and Export CSV Files using SQL Commands July 2020


This blog post is the first in a four-part series that explores the complex topic of managing CSV files, including importing flat files into databases, exporting flat files from any source system, and exploring/discovering flat file content using SQL commands.

csv,flat file,sql server

How to Export Data as a CSV using SQL July 2020

Code Sample

In this post we are discussing how to export data from virtually any system into a flat file (such as a CSV file), and store it directly into a drive, SharePoint Document, or cloud system.

csv,flat file,sharepoint,online,list

How to Import CSV Data into SQL Server July 2020

Code Sample

In this post we are looking at ways to quickly import CSV data (flat files) into SQL Server and how to automatically create target tables when they don’t exist.

csv,sql server,flat file

How to Read and Explore CSV Files from SQL Server July 2020

Code Sample

In this blog we will review in detail how you can easily read and explore flat files (CSV Files) using SQL commands, from SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), regardless of where they are stored, without the need to import the data first.

csv,flat file,sql server,dropbox,sharepoint,online,list,ftp

Quickly Build a Data Warehouse with Enzo Data Sync July 2020

Enzo Data Sync

In this article I will show you how Enzo’s Data Sync technology can drastically simplify data exploration, data loading, and data refresh without using ODBC drivers or ETL tools.

twitter,excel,xls,sql server,data

Send Slack Alerts when SharePoint List Changes May 2020

Code Sample

Send a Slack message to an existing channel when a change has been detected in a SharePoint list


Slack Integration with SQL Server April 2020

Code Sample

Integrate with Slack from SQL Server so you can read and write messages into a Channel (or as a direct message) using SQL commands.

slack,sql server

Calling Azure Cognitive Services from SQL Server March 2020

Code Sample

Call the Azure Cognitive Sentiment Analysis service to score customer feedback sentiment from SQL Server directly.

sql server,http

How Enzo Helps Solve the 5,000 Items Limitation in SharePoint Online November 2019


This video shows you how Enzo eliminates the 5,000 Items limitation in SharePoint Online when querying large lists.

sharepoint,sql server,online,list

Simple Employee Onboarding Process Automation using SQL October 2019

Code Sample

Build powerful process automation using the power of the SQL language, and leverage Enzo to eliminate the complex API layers that usually stand in the way without using ODBC drivers.


The Future of Data Integration: What Every CTO Should Be Aware Of August 2019

As corporations continue to adopt cloud computing and leveraging external platforms, the need to access disparate, disconnected and heterogeneous data has never been greater.


Improve Sharepoint Online Performance 10 times using an Edge Cache July 2019

See how Enzo's Edge Cache provides a 10x performance improvement for accessing SharePoint Online lists, improving application performance, reporting speed, and overall throughput.


Beating the 5000 item Sharepoint Online list restriction June 2019

Code Sample
External Content

In this article, I will show you how to easily beat the 5,000 list item restriction in SharePoint Online, regardless of the client programming language (JavaScript, PowerShell, Node.js and so on).

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